Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I register with SAS?

You must be an accepted student at FAU which then allows you to 使用您的FAU Net ID和密码登录SAS注册服务以完成在线注册    Application for Academic Accommodation   and click submit at the bottom when completed.    在收到申请和文件并审查后,学生与SAS顾问会面,讨论学生的残疾和学术住宿.


No, these are two separate processes. To receive academic accommodations from FAU, 学生 may register with SAS after being accepted to FAU.

Is t在这里 a charge for accommodations?
No. T在这里 is no charge for accommodations.
Who can receive assistive technology training?

Any student who is registered with the Student Accessibility Services.

Can I borrow assistive technology equipment to help with my studies?
是的,一些辅助技术项目可供注册的SAS学生(如RFB)借用&D audio players, digital audio recorders, and FM amplification systems.
What kind of assistance can an SAS student get with coursework?

虽然有些学生可能需要教室住宿,如志愿者记笔记的帮助, audio record lectures, or textbooks in alternate format, 其他学生可能需要考试安排,如延长时间或在分散注意力的环境中考试. 其他类型的住宿可能包括辅助技术培训或学习策略指导. 住宿是高度个性化的,只在“需要”的基础上授予学生.

Are t在这里 any scholarships available through SAS?

SAS offers 3 different scholarships for 学生 with disabilities. Applications are available each year between February 1 and April 1. 信息rmation and applications are available 在这里

我班上的一个学生看起来没有残疾,但是他已经被SAS批准延长考试时间. Could he be lying?

Many 学生 have “hidden” disabilities which are not obvious to others. To be eligible for services at the SAS, 学生必须符合1990年《KU体育》(ADAAA)和1973年《KU体育》第504条对残疾的定义. 学生有责任向SAS提供充分的文件,由该领域的有执照的专业人员提供有关具体诊断和预期学术限制的文件,以便从FAU获得住宿.

I’ve always kept my disability quiet. Now that I’m in college do I have to tell others?

Students are not required to register with the SAS, but are encouraged to do so in order to receive academic accommodations from FAU. Due to the confidential nature of a student’s disability, 除非得到学生的授权,否则SAS不能向教职员工透露具体信息. You do not have to discuss your disability with anyone else.

In class I heard the professor asking for a student to volunteer as a notetaker. Since I take lousy notes can I get copies of the notes at the same time as well?


一个上我课的残疾学生刚刚give了我一封你办公室的信,上面列出了授权的住宿条件. How are these determined?

住宿是基于对个人残疾对学业或工作表现的当前影响的分析而确定的支持服务. SAS只有在对学生的文件进行彻底审查后才会授权give他们, 目的是让残疾学生享有与非残疾学生同等的受教育机会. Accommodations are, by necessity, highly individualized, and are only granted to 学生 on an ‘as needed’ basis.


为残疾学生提供的住宿不得影响课程内容或满足课程完成的要求. Academic standards are not to be lowered, 学位要求的本质也不应该有任何改变. The faculty need not fundamentally alter the nature of their classroom materials.

我如何确定一只狗是否为服务犬,是否可以在校园内陪伴学生 ?
当狗不是明显的服务性动物时,有限的询问是允许的.  你可以问两个问题:这只狗是否因为残疾而需要成为服务性动物? What work or task has the dog been trained to perform?
Since my lecture notes are the basis of a textbook that I am writing, 我担心一名残疾学生被授权录音我的课堂,作为一种便利.
In order to provide assurances to the professor, 学生可以签署一份“学生录音讲座协议表”,其中可以解决具体问题. 该协议将明确规定,学生将在学期结束后销毁磁带,并同意仅将磁带用于准备课堂作业. 学生违反本协议即违反《KU体育》. 然而, 教授们必须明白,《KU体育》第504条特别指出,不能禁止录音讲课.
在高中时,我参加了由特殊教育老师教授的特殊课程,因为我有学习障碍. 现在我发现大学没有为像我这样的人开设特殊课程,我也得不到任何保证. 要接受任何形式的残疾服务,我实际上必须证明我有残疾. Why is t在这里 such a big difference?

从幼儿园到12年级的学生都在《KU体育》(IDEA)的支持下。, which ensures that all children with disabilities have available to them, 一个免费的, appropriate public education that emphasizes special education, 有专门为满足他们独特需要而设计的相关服务,应为他们就业和独立生活做好准备. IDEA is about providing programming to encourage success. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act & the ADAAA are the guiding principles when dealing with post-secondary education. 这些法律是关于准入的,任何符合条件的个人都不会被排除在外. Under Section 504 & the ADAAA 学生 gain access to the curriculum, but the student is the primary advocate, and determines his/her own success. The student must self-identify to the school to receive services. While in K through 12, under IDEA, the student is identified by the school, which is responsible for the 学生 success, with the parent being the major advocate for the student.

Can I enroll in classes without first being registered with SAS?

Yes, you can.  As long as you are in good academic standing and have no holds on you record.

Is t在这里 a deadline for application for support services from SAS?

No, t在这里 is no deadline, 但建议学生在学期开始前申请支持服务.

Does SAS provide transportation to and from classrooms (classes)?

SAS does not provide on-campus transportation. 有轮椅可供检查,为学生谁有临时需要.

Does SAS provide testing for LD or ADHD?

SAS does not provide testing for LD or ADHD, however the office has a suggested list of local diagnosticians who do.